b'MEMBER NEWSMEMBER NEWS Hornblower Group to Continue OperatingFerry inNew York CityH ornblowerGroup,aPVAditionally underserved transit desertsthe-scenes system upgrades to increase member,hasbeenselectedand local economic hubs across all fivetransparency and efficiency.by the New York City Eco- boroughs, said Kevin Rabbitt, CEO, nomicDevelopmentCorporationHornblower Group.Over the last year, the citys NYC Fer-(NYCEDC)foranewNYCFerryry Forward Plan has delivered impres-operating contract.Amongitsplans,thenewoperat- sive results including:ingagreementwillincludebusiness We are proud to be selected by NY- improvementssuchasaframeworkOver 6.6 million riders from Au-CEDC and the City of New York astopartnerwithacorporatenamegust 2022July 2023, 17 percent wecontinueourpartnershipasthesponsor and further drive down thehigher than the previous year and operatorofNYCFerry;providingsubsidy,upgradedridershipexperi- exceeding pre-pandemic levels;millions of New Yorkers with a conve- ences like free onboard Wi-Fi, further nient, accessible, and affordable com- establishmentoftheferryasalocalFarebox revenue up more than $6 muting option that connects both tra- maritime career pipeline and behind- million with per passenger subsidy continuing to drive down dramat-ically and on track to be reduced by nearly 30 percent by 2025;DEALERDIGITAL Transparency into the system with RELIABILITY SUPPORT SERVICES thepublicationofNYCFerry Allowing you to focus onReady to interveneDigital Servicesridership on NYC Open Data and your customers. within 24 hours. which promote fleet monitoring grantingfinancial and subsidy information you more efficient operations. posted on NYCEDCs website;Equitableferryaccessimproved throughthelaunchoftheNYC FerryDiscountticketprogram andhalf-priceticketsforHarbor PHOTO COURTESY OF NYC FERRYREADY TO SUPPORT YOUR OPERATION WITH School students;A WIDE RANGE OF PROPULSION ENGINES NewpilotrouteswhichdeliverAND GENERATOR SETS moretransitoptionstoriders, For more information, contact your local Cat dealer. while reducing costs to the system. 2023 Caterpillar. All Rights Reserved. CAT, CATERPILLAR, LETS DO THE WORK, their respective logos, Caterpillar Corporate Yellow, the Power Edge and Cat Modern Hex trade dress as well as corporate and product identity used herein, are trademarks of Caterpillar and may not be used without permission.FOGHORN 54'