b'UNDERSTANDING HUMAN FACTORS Organizational culture may also affect the team, e.g., what is FOGHORN FOCUS AND SAFETY CULTURE most important: profit or protection (safety)? At the UK P&I Human factors is a broad term encompassing how humansClub, we understand this delicate balance, striving to create interact with their environment. In simple terms, it is aboutan environment of just culture, wherein safety is prioritized recognizing that humans have capabilities and limitations without undermining the importance of productivity. they cannot be perfect and so we build an environment that influences them to do their best to achieve goals. It is important to build bridges by overcoming all the cultur-al barriers and develop an environment that is built on trust Societal, occupational, and organizational cultures can alland responsible behavior, where everyone is encouraged to have an impact on human behavior. People from variousshare essential information without fear, i.e., just culture.parts of the U.S. and around the world may have different perspectives on authority and rank. A dominant individ- HOW TO BE AN EFFECTIVE TEAM LEADERual may not encourage necessary input, whereas a humbleIn establishing a strong safety culture, there should be a individual may not speak up when something is wrong. top-down approachemployees will not support safety if leaders do not lead by example. Safety culture should per-Differences in occupational culture may also have a neg- meate all levels of the organization, both ashore and at sea, ativeimpactontheteam.Thesometimes-challengingwith continuous feedback to the top.relationship between officers and ratings is an example of how the working environment on board can be affected byLeadership can be delivered in a variety of ways. Position-cultural differences. al leaders exercise authority by telling others what they FOGHORN 42'