b'REGULATORY REGULATORY REPORTNew Near Miss ReportingPETER LAURIDSEN // PVA REGULATORY AFFAIRS CONSULTANTO n Aug. 8, 2023, the Depart- Register (FR) Notice titled Bureau offormation collection effort requested mentofTransportationTransportationStatisticsOST-2023- under the Paperwork Reduction Act (DOT)issuedaFederal0115. This notice identifies a new in- of 1995. This Act under the authori-ty of the Office of Management and Budget(OMB)managesthegovern-ments collection of information and data burden on the government and the public. No such collection occurs without the OMBs authorization and effectivedate/expirationdatenoted Bringing The Best to Passengeron the collection form.Vessel Owners and Operators. Thedatacollectionintendedherein comes from an Interagency Authori-zation Agreement (IAA) signed by the Maritime Administration (MARAD) Best in Class Products, Expert Knowledge andto develop and implement SafeMTS. Unparalleled Customer Support. This is a voluntary program for confi-dential reporting of near misses occur-ringonvesselswithintheMaritime TransportationSystem.Thegoalis early warning of safety problems and potential safety issues by uncovering THRUSTERS LIGHTING SEATING hiddenat-riskconditionsnotprevi-ously exposed from analysis of report-able accidents and incidents.This is the activity wherein the request-ingorganizationDOTwillprovide DOORS/HATCHES PUMPS WIPER SYSTEMS OMB information on public and gov-ernment burdens, i.e., time and other costs of the information collection. ThescopeofSafeMTSincludesa broad range of data categories to pro-mote safe operations and appropriate SOLAR SHADES POWER MGMT. AIR HANDLERS risk management, which adds a learn-ing component to assist the maritime Find Your Solution at Imtra.comindustry in achieving improved safety or Call 508-995-7000 performance.Thiswillproduce FOGHORN 48'