b'NEWSWIRE:New Vessel Rule in Hawaii Protects Spinner DolphinsE ff atvessels in Hawaii to standIt is still permissible for a vessel to engageharassing spinner dolphins. As a result ofective October 28, a new federal rule requiresinthebusinessofoff eringviewingthe new rule, regulators and members of the off least50yardsfromspinneropportunities of spinner dolphins, as long aspublic will have a clearer understanding of dolphins. It will also be unlawful for personsit remains at least 50 yards distant from thewhat actions are and are not permitted.tointentionallyswimwithHawaiianmammals. A vessel is not to intercept (that spinner dolphins. is placing itself in the path so that a dolphinDuring the comment period on the rule, approacheswithin50yards)orengageinnumerousindividualsobjectedtoit, Thepurposeoftheruleistopreventleapfrogging.Theprohibitionappliesclaimingthatswimmingwithspinner individuals of this non-endangered specieswithintwonauticalmilesofthemaindolphins in Hawaii was an integral part of frombeingdisturbedduringtraditionalHawaiian Islands and in designated waterstheirspiritualbeliefs.Theproposedrule, diurnalrestingperiods.HawaiianspinnerboundedbytheislandsofLanai,Maui,theyasserted,wouldviolatetheirFirst dolphins have a strict, cyclical daily patternand Kahoolawe. Amendmentrightofreligiousfreedom. thatmakesthemveryeasytolocate.TheWillthesefolksfollowthroughwitha dolphins spend their nights off shore in largeThereareexceptionsintheruleforlawsuit challenging the rule?groups feeding on fi sh, shrimp, and squid. Ininstances in which the vessel inadvertently the morning, they return in smaller groupscomeswithin50yardsofadolphin,Inaddition,theagencyhasproposed to select bays and nearshore areas to rest,orwhenthedolphinitselfinitiatesaanotherruletoitsestablishedmandatory socialize, and nurture their young. closeapproach,orwhenvesselsafetytime-areaclosuresoffi designatedve concerns predominate. sitesthatconstitutedaytimehabitats. Therulewasyearsinthemaking.ClickFourinvolvewatersoff theBigIsland, here to see the fi nal rule as published in theInAugust2017,acommercialvesselandoneisoff Maui.Clickhereforthe Federal Register of September 28, 2021. operatorwasfi $2,500forillegallyproposed rule. ned Clean, Quiet, ProvenElectric and Hybrid PropulsionKeeping our waterways clean is importantto the health and survival of our planet.BAE Systems is leading the way with clean, quiet alternative propulsion systems, helping passenger vessels get to zero emissions.gettozero.comNEWSWIRE OCTOBER 2021 43 NEWSWIRE'