b'REGULATORY REPORT:A Twenty-Five REGULATORY Year PartnershipPETER LAURIDSEN // PVAREGULATORY AFFAIRS CONSULTANTT wenty-fi veyearsagothePassengersamesafetyoflifeandpropertywasGuardprogramstaff andPVAcommittee VesselAssociationandtheU.S.transformative in the relationship. chairpersons made up these additional assets. CoastGuardenteredintoaformalTwo continuity members, one Coast Guard partnershipagreementforenhancedsafetyThecharterprovidedforthreein-personandonePVAwereaddedtomemorialize throughcommunicationandcooperationQualityActionTeam(QAT)meetingsand stabilize discussions of recurring topics with the signing of a charter by our presidentbetweentheadmiralinchargeofmarinesince key members often moved on in their at the time Rick Mosteller and Rear Admiralsafety, his key program staffand the electedpositions and careers. James Card in 1996. The meeting objectives and agenda identifi ed UndertheleadershipofAdmiralCardCoast Guard andissuesofmutualconcernand,where theCoastGuardsMarineSafetyProgramPVA participationnecessary,theestablishmentofworking (MSP)adoptedtheconceptofPreventiongroupsofappropriateCoastGuardand ThroughPeople(PTP).Thegoalwasbroadened asPVA members. The working groups were to thatamutuallyrespectfulandinteractivethe partnershipreview their assigned tasks and recommend relationship between regulated and regulatorsolutions for the QATs action. couldenhanceregulatorycomplianceandmatured and issue lead to better safety outcomes in the marineMany recommended actions resulted in new responses requiredNavigation and Vessel Inspection Circulars transportationsystem.Thewatchwords Honor the Mariner one of the PTPs tenetsmore worker(NVICs), policy restatements or adjustments, was the foundation for the implementation ofor a better understanding of the issues raised. a specifi c chartered partnership between theinvolvement.Some of the products are mentioned at the Coast Guard and PVA.end of this article.leadershipofthePVA.Eventually,CoastBecausethisQAToperatedinthearena TheideaofmutualrespectandcommonGuard and PVA participation broadened asoflawandregulationitsdiscussionsand understandingsthatthesafetygoalsofthethe partnership matured and issue responsesactions could not involve ongoing regulatory CoastGuardandPVAmembersweretherequiredmoreworkerinvolvement.Coastdevelopment.Todosowouldinvolve prohibited ex parte communications. Despite that limitation the partnership could discusspotentialareasforregulationand often became involved in the education and implementation of newly adopted regulation, policies and procedures. While the initial product of the partnership was the QAT, now referred to as the Quality Partnership QP, the concept of partnership inimprovingsafetyoutcomesacrossthe board led to other levels of mutual discussion and activities.TherewasapracticewhereCoastGuard districts and some units held industry days. One of the role models was the Second Coast Guard District that held an annual event that brought waterway users to St. Louis to hear about waterway issues and seek their help in REGULATORY REPORT 28 FOGHORN'