b'MEMBER NEWS:Mariner Shortage as States Vaccine Mandate Takes E ectW ashingtonStatesFerries(WSF)ischallengesduetoCOVID-19,anditsstillrecruiting new employees, but is struggling to continuing with temporary serviceactivelyrecruitingformarinerpositions.fi nd qualifi ed mariners. WSF is also expanding schedulechangesamidamarinerPriortoCOVID-19,WSFhirednewitsrecruitmenteff ortswithmaritime shortagethathasbeenexacerbatedbythecrewmembersonceayearleadingintotheacademies across the country, WSF said inpandemic and the states vaccine mandate. busy season. The system is now continuouslya statement.The mandate required thatall state employees, aswellascertainotherprofessions,arefully vaccinatedwitharecommendedCOVID-19 vaccinebyanOctober18,2021deadline. Certainexemptionsandaccommodations, were accepted in some cases. As the deadline passed,approximately200WSFworkers, including some vessel crew members, remained unvaccinated, according toNBC local affiliate KING-TV. Public Tickets & Private ChartersIn atravel bulletin alert, WSF said temporary.together at lastschedulechangesduetocrewingshortages remainedineff ect.WSF,adivisionof theWashingtonStateDepartmentof Transportation,isthelargestferrysystemin the U.S. with tens of millions of passengers perEFFORTLESSEFFORTLESSyear.WashingtonStateFerriescontinuestoRESERVATIONS CONTRACTSoperate an alternate sailing schedule on most+ TICKETING for Private Chartersroutes until further notice. These changes willfor Public Cruises and Group Bookingshelp off er more predictable and reliable service systemwideinthefaceofcrewingshortagesIntegrated online,Custom PDF contracts due to a global shortage of mariners that hasphone and walk-upwith fully-trackable been worsened by the pandemic, WSF said inbookings versioningits bulletin.WSF acknowledges that severe staffshortagesAutomated conrmation,Support for private arealsoduetoothervariablesincludingreminder and follow-upcharters, schools and anagingworkforce,COVID-19casesandemails tour groupsquarantines. They feel there remains too muchMarketing and SearchDetailed reports for uncertainty to keep with the regular schedule.Engine Optimizationevent planning and Throughoutthepandemic,weveworked(SEO) nancial trackinghardtomaintainreliableservice,completing the vast majority of sailings, said head of WSF,Personalized set-up, Patty Rubstello, inannouncingthe temporarytraining and supportResource tracking for schedule changes. However, to better refl ectincluded multi-use inventorytheservicewecancurrentlyprovideandto minimize last-minute cancelations due to a lack of crew, we made this difficult decision to adjust our schedules.According to WSF, more than 150 new crewManage your entire membershavebeenhiredthisyeardespitebusiness from a single, integrated platformSCHEDULE A DEMOWWW.STARBOARDSUITE.COMOCTOBER 2021 41 MEMBER NEWS'